How to Quickly & Easily Find the Perfect Company Name?


If you are concerned about a company name's availability, you should speak with a lawyer to learn more about the registration procedure.


Choosing a catchy, simple name for your business is crucial if you want it to be remembered. If you pick the wrong name, you can have problems attracting clients to use your product or service. If your name is too challenging to read or recall, it will also have an impact on your marketing materials.


Also, you need to choose a name that is simple to say and spell.


People will remember what you do and how you can support them in realising their aspirations if they see this. 


In fact, a sentence should be able to contain your company's name without being too long or too short. Finally, make sure you are not violating any trademarked names by running the name through a company name search website.


What To Keep In Mind When Picking A Name For Your Business?


When choosing a name for your business, there are numerous considerations to keep in mind. Here are a few advices:


  • Make sure the name of your business solves an issue and is understandable to others.
  • Avoid using names that are similar to well-known brands, especially if they are owned by other businesses or people you know.
  • Be wary of titles that have cultural or racial implications, such as "Chinatown."
  • Avoid names that have a committee-like sound to them.
  • Choose a name that is simple to speak, remember, and pronounce in a variety of languages (e.g., Google).
  • Consider how frequently you want people to use your firm name in casual conversation; it should be distinctive but familiar.


Be sure to check whether your proposed name is available on websites like Namebench, which can let you know if it's already taken or registered as a trademark.


Also, you may think about searching for names that are similar in the American and Indian markets as well as other sectors where your company might be active.


Can the name of my business be rejected?


It could appear easy to register a domain name when you first start the process. The website address is entered, and you wait for the results. 


Nonetheless, there are instances where businesses are turned down when they want to apply for company registration online with their business name for a variety of reasons, like trademark infringement or inappropriate keyword usage.


There are numerous reasons why your company name can be disqualified, however, the following are the most frequent ones:


1. The name is too similar to that of another company


It's too similar to the name of another business. If you already established a company called "Apple Inc," for instance, another company with the same name would be denied because it is too similar.


2. It's Overly General


The name is overly standardised or common. For instance, if you have a business called "ABC Company" and another called "BAC Company," both of them will be turned down since they are too well-known in the field. For the first time, stay away from abbreviations, but on the other hand, don't use something that is overly lengthy either.


3. The Name Isn't Distinctive Enough


You didn't use enough original words in your name. If your business is called Lazarus, Lazarus2 will probably not be accepted.


4. It's excessively long


Because most people have problems remembering and reading larger names, company names should be no longer than eight characters.


Moreover, longer names could be more difficult for users to enter into search engines and other websites. If your company name is less than five characters long, you might think about using a nickname or an acronym rather than the complete name.


5. But, it's a lot too brief.


Potential investors may find it difficult to understand what your company does or who it serves if you have a short name that resembles a brand or product name. A short name also restricts how much money you may raise, unless there is already a brand associated with it.


6. The Business's Keywords Are Missing.


Make sure your company name incorporates the words that best define who you are as a business. For example, "website design" or "website development" might be preferable to "Website Designers, Inc."


7. It's stereotypical or offensive to some cultures


The quickest method to have it rejected is to choose a stereotyped or culturally insensitive name. Even if your company offers assistance to persons with disabilities or to a specific culture, it's generally a good idea to avoid mentioning them in the name.


How Can You Find Out Whether Your Business Name Is Already Taken?


Be sure your intended mark won't conflict with any already registered or pending trademarks before registering one. 


To do this, you must use the identical mark to search the internet for the other party's name. Without the other party's consent, you are not allowed to use a trademark that they have registered.


Let's say you discover that someone else has registered a trademark with the same or similar pronunciation or spelling as yours. 


If so, it most likely indicates that they have already obtained legal protection for the same mark. Call the experts to make the company name search process very simple.


The Three Greatest Advice for Picking Your Business Name


While selecting a name for your business, you should consider the following two factors in that order:


1. Maintain Name Relevance


Although catchy, buzzwords like Lazarus, Icarus, and even Adam are typically used by large conglomerate organisations that don't need to promote themselves using their names. On the other hand, your company needs all the publicity it can get, and it won't get it with a name that doesn't convey what you do.


2. Register your domain name as soon as possible!


The most crucial advice, which many new business owners frequently overlook, is to register your domain name as soon as possible. Even if you only decided on a name a few days ago, the domain might already be taken by the most unlikely individuals.



3. Check Availability By Business Name on A Website


To find out if your company name is available, utilise a company name search website. This will enable you to check whether the name you chose for your startup is available and appropriate for your particular industry.


This phase is crucial since it might assist you in avoiding potential pitfalls when launching your company.


The main benefit of using such websites is that they supply information about the precise state of a certain business name that you can use while company registration online. As a result, it removes any uncertainty you might have while launching your own company.


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