Trademark Registration in Coimbatore

 The trademark can be characterized as the business's key to highlighting the brand's identity and prosperity. Brand power is the essence of unique individuality. For this purpose, if you plan to establish a brand identity, it is very important to apply for Trademark Registration online in Coimbatore.


The brand strength of a product or service indicates where it came from. When compared to similar products, the trademark's unique identifier distinguishes the product or service.


Overview of Trademark

The controller general of Patents, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Designs and Trademarks, Government of India, is in charge of trademark registration in Coimbatore. The Trademark Act of 1999 governs trademark registration.

A trademark can be anything from a phrase to a sign to a photograph to a logo to a sound.

It aids clients in becoming aware of a specific product or service. The registered trademark safeguards the service's dignity and legally bans infringement in its use. 

There are 45 trademark classes accessible in trademark incorporation. The registered trademark is valid for ten years. Individuals can register a trademark under one of several classes depending on which category it belongs to.


Symbols for Trademarks

The "®" symbol

It is a registered mark, as shown by the R. A reflection used by businesses to alert consumers and potential trademark applicants that a sign has been registered. It is written in a smaller font on the right side of the trademark. The use of the "®" symbol before registration approval is prohibited.

The trademark symbol (TM)

The "TM" symbol is exclusively applied to products, not services. If the application is still pending, you can add the symbol to the logo. It primarily applies to unregistered trademarks. It protects people from stealing your logo, names, and other information.

SM (Symbol of the Month)

The SM sign can be used in 35 to 45 classes. It is primarily utilized in the service sector. If there are any copyright difficulties, protection will not be guaranteed.

Symbol C

It's used for content that doesn't have any copyright problems. In many countries, claiming copyright is a legal requirement.


Documents for Trademark Registration online in Coimbatore

Scan any form of identification proof, such as a PAN card, passport, or election ID card.

Company Registration Certificate.

TM agent POA signed copy of trademark application 

JPG format of logo/brand name.

If the applicant is a business, a copy of the MSME Registration certificate is required.


Benefits of Trademark Registration in Coimbatore


Trademark registration in Coimbatore comes with a slew of advantages. The following is a list of some of them:

Legal Representation

If a third party violates the registered trademark, the owner of the trademark has the authority to charge or take action. Another effective way to safeguard a trademark is to use it frequently. You must pay UPSTO a renewal charge every 10 or 5 years.

Value of a Brand

The intellectual property of the company is reflected in the registered trademark. The term "brand value" refers to a company's complete concept, including its promise and issues. To earn revenue, the registered mark might be sold or licenced.


Customers always prefer to purchase anything from a company that has a recognised trademark. The buyer is at ease and confident in the brand's dependability.

The Invisible Assets 

Trademark is an intangible asset. It has its credibility when it comes to firm mergers and demergers.

Registration of trademarks at the international level

If you want to register your trademark in another country, you can do so once your TM registration in India has been approved. It helps to raise brand awareness globally and allows you to promote your service or products globally.


Steps of Trademark Registration in Coimbatore

Step 1: The initial step is to conduct a trademark search. We can assist with a comprehensive trademark search using the tool to locate the mark across classes.

Step 2: The Trademark Attorney must apply the second step. The trademark applicant must sign Form48 and TM1 for it to approve.

Step 3: The third step involves filing a trademark with the trademark registry. The trademark registration charge for a small business, an individual, or a startup is Rs.4500.

Step 4: Once the trademark application has been filed and is being processed by the government, it is vital to check on the status of the trademark application regularly. If the applicant receives an objection, he or she must respond within 30 days.


Why should I file a trademark application for my business?

It is widely acknowledged that a company's most valuable asset is its distinct or distinctive brand. 

As a result, your products or services will stand out among those offered by competitors in a comparable field. It is critical to protect your logo against third-party infringement. 

Applying a trademark of your distinctive brand logo is the only method to save your logo. In fact, trademark your brand logo before anyone else claims ownership of it.


What Is The Procedure For Trademark Registration in Coimbatore?

The TM OFFICE issues a filing confirmation letter with the serial number and filing date.

After that, you'll get a filing certificate from the TM OFFICE (reflecting the date of submission on the trademark application).

An examining attorney will assign to the application.

The examiner looks over the application and comes up with two options:

An "Office Action" will generate by the examiner.

Is a request for an application's confirmation or explanation.

Registration may refuse (not always a "Final Refusal").

Or, The application will approve to proceed to the next level by the examiner.

The application to be "Published for Opposition" has been approved.

The "Official Trademark Gazette" published the application.

The mark will halt in the process if an Opposition files. Also, the services of legal and financial counsel will be necessary (if the owner wishes to fight the Opposition).

If there is no opposition, the mark will accept the registration.

You will receive a registration notification from the TM Office.

At this point, several nations charge a final filing cost (generally called a Title Fee).

After paying the trademark money, you will receive the trademark certificate by the mail.

If no Title Fee is necessary, the TM Office will send the actual Trademark Certificate to you without delay.


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