Assignment and Transmission of Trademark


Trademarks play the most crucial role in establishing the Brand Identity of a business. So, it is a must to go for trademark registration online if you plan for the long run. However, sometimes the mark you want or need or are using without registration may already be registered by someone else. Interestingly, the assignment and transmission of trademark is the solution for this problem.



An assignment of a trademark is a document that transfers the recognizing word, symbol, and owner from assignor to assignee.


 Types of Assignment of Trademark

  • Assignment of trademark concerning only some services or products

In this, the assignment of trademark limits for specific goods and services.

  •  Assignment with goodwill

 In this, the assignment includes absolute ownership also the rights and duties associated with the product.

  •  An assignment without goodwill

An assignment that does not constitute goodwill is known as a gross assignment. It refers to restrictions of rights of the buyer whereby it limits the new owner of using the brand on products that the original owner is already.


Advantages of Assignment of Trademark

Unlock value: It helps unlock the actual brand value and helps the assignee to get renown.

Proof validity: If any dispute takes place; which relates to the trademark, the deed of the assignment will be valid proof for any legal rights.



Transmission of trademark is wherein the mark in authorization to the third party is given to use in the course of trade. However, the transferring party does not pass the ownership of the trademark.


Advantages of Transmission of a Trademark

Both the licensee and the licensor enjoys the perks or benefits of transmission of trademark.

Licensee: Licensee gets an opportunity to widen his market chain operations by using the trademark (its goodwill, reputation, and brand value).

Licensor: The licensor savours his rights through royalties generated through the transfer of trademark. In fact, without even passing the ownership or through transmission.



  • The agreement shall implement quality checks and controls on the goods and services. Because of this, the quality of the trademark will not tarnish or destroy.
  •  The necessary clause is to be present.
  •  The territory for which the grant of license is complete.
  •  The term of the license.
  •  Consideration for the grant.
  •  Termination clause.
  •  Indemnification clause.


Conditions of Cancellation:

  • When the party breaches the terms of the agreement.
  • When the usage of a trademark is for some other purpose.
  • If confusion is being created in the minds of people.
  • When the party does not disclose the material facts about the mark.
  • If the trademark is used for fraud.


Difference between assignment and transmission of trademark:

  • The main difference between assignment and transmission is that the ownership in an assignment, either absolute or not absolute, transfers to the party. 
  • Whereas in the case of transmission, the ownership is not transferable. However, only the trademark passes to the party.
  • The second difference between both is that assignments can only be in writing. 
  • On the other hand, the transmission of trademarks can be both orally and in writing.
  • The assignment of trademark costs more rather than transmission because the assignee grants full ownership of the property.


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