Advertised Before Accepted Status in Trademark


If you have applied for trademark registration online and the application is accepted by the registrar. It will appear as advertised before accepted status in trademark. 

First, the firm will have to publish the application in the journal.

  • When a trademark accepts, it is known as Approved and Advertised. 
  • When an officer orders (ABA) advertised before acceptance, it is put on, as TradeMark in the journal to know about objections from other users.



According to Section 20 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999: 

  1. When an application for the registration of a trademark accepts (subject to the situations or restrictions) by the official, it posts in the trademark journal under the name of the applicant.
  2. The official can arrange for the application to announce before acceptance. 
  3. If it relates to an existing trademark that applies to the application in Section 1 and Section 11, it accepts under exceptional circumstances.


  1. An application advertised before acceptance under subsection(1)
  2. Following the advertisement of an application has been done.
  3. An error in the application has been rectified.
  4. Allowed to modify the application under section 22.

The registrar may, at his discretion, cause to re-advertise the application or, in any case, notify the rectification or amendment made to the application in the prescribed manner instead of re-advertising the application under clause (b).


Publication of Application in Trademark Journal 

When an application for the TM registration accepts, whether according to the terms and conditions or not.

It needs to be ABA (advertised before acceptance). 

The application shall be in the trademark journal based on terms and conditions. Or with limitations, if any, as advertised.

The Supervisory Examiner has approved the examination report proposing to accept the application or before the acceptance, 

The designated officer or the hearing officer, who has approved the application before the acceptance, advertises the application. Accepts application orders for Module of Trade Mark System


The application must publish or post in the Trade Mark Journal.

Following things include in the journal after  Advertised Before Accepted Status in Trademark 

  • Description of the trademark
  • Application number
  • Name of all applicants
  • Application date
  • Priority claim
  • Applicant's details with address 
  • Address of the applicant for the service, including agent details
  • Class and specification of the products or services
  • Statements as to the use of trademarks and suitable office
  • Name of office
  • Conditions and limitations

The system creates a preview of the advertisement. The concerned authority finds the material appropriate, then approves the advertisement case. The application compiles through the system for publication in the trademark journal.

All the applications, that are ready for publication in the TM Journal, publishes every Monday by an official of the Central Register of Trademarks.

Also, they are available on the home page of the official website. 

The Trade Marks Registry notifies the date separately on its official website. A person can trademark magazine issues in CDs after paying the requisite fee as mentioned in the journal.

The reasons for publishing a trademark in a trademark journal are to provide a method and chance for other proprietors to contest the trademark. 

Who has a conflict of interest with the advertised trademark and providing a platform for other applicants to search the marks. It is to help so that there are no similar looking or same marks are available.


Trademarks Journal Includes:

  • Public notice and notification, if any, issued by the office, 
  • Trademark applications accepted or accepted order to be advertised first,
  • Re-advertisement of applications if ordered by any competent authority
  • Notification of Fire in respect of previously published applications
  • List of Trademarks Registered, Renewed Deleted Applications withdrawn, etc.
  • Registration changes include registrations/broadcasts, 
  • International non-proprietary names published from time to time by the World Health Organization,


Other cases to be published in the journal are gather from different sections of TMR.

A trademark post in the Trade Mark Journal to provide all relevant information to the general public. The reason behind this is that if any person or entity feels the need to oppose a trademark for the reasons mentioned in the Trade Marks Act, they can easily do so with all the required information at a single tap of the finger. 

The move to make magazine issues available online and on the Internet has helped the trademark office immensely. 

If an advertisement prints with incorrect information, it stands to cancel.

Moreover, it will be necessary to re-advertise the trademark to obtain a registration mark.

It should be in mind that advertising to get approval does not mean that the trademark is registering.

Imagine the officer accepts the mark but is still not able to get register. The reason is if any person opposes the mark, which may result in cancellation. 

If there is no opposition to the trademark of the advertisement, it clears the final stage of the registration process. 

After that, it registers within a few months after the expiry of the four-month protest period. 

In the case of the advertisement, advertising before acceptance, if there is no objection to the mark, the application is sent to the accepting authority. 

However, if he accepts it, then the mark can be certified.

Purpose of a Trademark Journal in India? 

  • Provide opportunity and mechanism 
  • You could enter into a trademark conflict of interest. 
  • To search for twin or indistinguishable trademarks. 
  • To know about renewed, registered, or withdrawn trademark
  • Sometimes for re-advertisements
  • Public notices
  • For posting registration changes
  • To object to the TM
  • To accept the TM
  • For notifications and other necessary information


The Advertised Before Accepted Status in Trademark application advertisement is essential to provide the general public with the opportunity to file a trademark opposition to the trademark application. 

However, the application must contain all relevant information.

The registrar will review the trademark application.

When the registrar fully satisfies, they will publish the trademark application in the Trademark Journal.


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