Trademark class for cosmetics : Trademark class 3

Trademark class for cosmetics : Trademark class 3

Trademark Class 3 is all about registering items like perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, essential oils, hair oils, and dentifrices. As per the NICE Classification, this trademark enrols the cleaning preparation and toilet preparations. This trademark is particularly used by the companies for Bleaching preparations and other laundry uses. Items like deodorants, room fragrances, soaps, hair oils, essential oils and others are also listed within this category.

It is a fact that this mark is used for business purposes, and they provide a specimen mark that clients could recognize. This trademark class 3 specimen always has a label, tag, or holder for the products that are directly related to the commodity. Let us have a look at some of the products that come under the list of this trademark:


Goods under the list of Trademark Class 3

Cleaning items
Scouring and abrasive preparations items
Polishing items
Essential oils
Cosmetics for humans and animals
Hair lotions and dentifrices

Goods That Are Not Enlisted In Trademark Class 3


Chemicals chimney cleaners
Sharpening grindstones and stones
Medical and vet services
Household utensils
Cosmetics excluding that of human beings or animals

In case you want any further guidance about the Trademark Registration, please feel free to contact us at +91 9928380610. Or visit Trademark Registration Online.

Trademark is the kind of intellectual property that comprises a recognizable sign, design, and other particulars, identifying a service and a specific source. Trademarks are used to distinguish the services that are popularly known as “service marks”.  The Trademark Act 1992, can be represented as a logo, design, phrase, and services along with a combination of shapes and colors that shows the uniqueness of a brand and differentiate it from other products. With a unique trademark, customers can easily recognize the products or services from various competitor products.

There are about 45 classes of Trademarks and The manufacture of goods and services that are categorized into different classes. About 80,000 products and services are divided into two sections “Good and Classes of Services”. This article is all about Trademark Class 3, here we will discuss all the points that this Trademark relates to.


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