
Showing posts from March, 2022

Types of Trademark in India | Everything You Must Know

  The trademark is regarded as a form of intellectual property. You can obtain exclusive rights or ownership over a name, brand, or emblem by trademarking it. By registering a trademark in India, you gain ownership of the name, brand, or logo. Let us learn about trademarks and the various types of trademark in India that can be registered.   What is the definition of a trademark? A trademark is a brand or logo that you use to set your goods apart from your competitors. The legal term for "intellectual property" is a trademark. A trademark can also be defined as a word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these components. A trademark indicates the owner of a product or service's brand.   What Is Trademark Registration and How Does It Work? If a corporation or individual wants to protect its logo from being misappropriated by a third party, it must go through the trademark registration process in India.  Trademark registration online  w

Trademark on a Name | How to File the Application in 7 Steps

  The name and logo of a company help the brand or business to stand out in the market. It is the trademark on a name, logo that distinguishes an enterprise's goods and services from other similar services available in the marketplace.  Customers recognise and trust a company's name and emblem. Thus, most businesses file for  trademark registration online  early. In the world of business, competition is unavoidable. Only by strategically implementing company policies and plans that provide you with an advantage over your competition can you achieve success.  The term "competition" refers to an increase in demand for a product or service that has resulted in a high level of competition.   How to File a Trademark Application?   1. Choose a distinctive brand name and logo. How many steaming hot coffees would you need to come up with a unique name for your company? It may appear simple, but believe me when I say that you will have to use your brain for thi

What Cannot Trademark in India | Do Not Make These Mistakes

  With increased competition in the business world, it can be difficult to come up with a trademark that is both original, accepted by the law and related to your company's goals. So, it can be hard to figure out what can and what cannot trademark in India. But first, let's define a trademark. A trademark is a name, initials, or logo that distinguishes a product or service. Read the following article if you're looking for information on  trademark registration online  and figure out what doesn't qualify for trademark registration.    You Cannot Trademark it in India The following items qualify as grounds for trademark refusal, which means a company cannot use them as a trademark symbol, logo, or name.   1. Lacking a Unique Characteristic Nothing generic may be registered because the sole point of trademark registration is to distinguish between different brands.  Section 9(1)(b) of the Trademarks Act of 1999 prohibits the registration of generic tradem

How to Open a Cafe with a low budget | The Complete Guide

  In India, food preneurship is on the rise. We Indians enjoy experimenting with new foods and beverages. We enjoy not only eating but also feeding others. The majority of people who wish to work in the food industry have good taste in food or have some cooking experience. You must be a PRO in one or both of these areas to look for how to open a cafe with a low budget. Not only that, but if you want to operate a café on a low budget in India, you'll need to understand marketing, sales, and budgeting. You can't deny that most of us, especially the younger generation, secretly wish to operate a dream cafe someday. In addition, starting a café in India is simple because it does not require a large investment.    Steps to open a Cafe in India with Low Budget   Step 1. Geographical location First and foremost, choose a place that is suitable for your needs. Decide whether you want your café to be near any colleges or parks, or whether it should be in the outskirts.